My Experience with Unemployed Professors

Ok, maybe I’m biased, but they may be great writers in practice. So I asked for a brief task. This is some context: I was given a 250-word discussion piece.

The assignment was too time-consuming for me so I decided to leave it to professionals. Unemployed Professors was my first choice. I placed an order and chose the best expert writer based on their ratings. It’s an understatement to say that I was disappointed. You want to find out why? Learn more.

Registering for an Account

Let me start by registering. This service will require you to wear so many hoods, that you will start sweating. Why is this? You will need to provide your country, state/province and other information in order to register for an account. Why do they need these details? Continue on to a long sign-up process.

Moreover, during registration you can enter a Unemployed Professors promo code. The problem is that I didn’t know where to find that promo code. I couldn’t find any information on coupon codes on this website. Why do they mention promo codes though? It’s a mystery.

Place an order

It takes a lot of brain-scratching to place an order and get a completed assignment. These are the key issues in the Unemployed Professors order form and the entire process of purchasing essays there.

Insufficient order type categories

As I said, I had planned to order a discussion piece. There isn’t a category for that. These people don’t know the assignments that students write. This issue is a clear example of the incompetence displayed by this service.

Writing Profiles Extremely Vague

Are you not expected to look at the profiles of professors and select people who have experience that meets your needs? This is how a reliable bidding system should function. However, Unemployed Professors is an entirely different story. The profiles of the writers are fake. These fake professors have generic photos on their profiles. Butterflies? Are they serious? It smells suspiciously like fraud. It is not clear who will actually do it.

The Professors’ Ratings are Invalid

Every professor is assigned a performance rating. A top-level writer has nine stars out ten, which I found when I searched for him. I was curious if this company has any credible customer Unemployed Professors reviews. I want to understand how perfect ratings are created. These ratings seem unlikely to be plausible. Assuming that I have seen all of the strange things before, I believe these guys “painted” stars and that no professors are behind them.

They provide VIP Services that should be available by default

Take a look at their VIP services which include additional assistance and follow-up questions. Does this mean I won’t receive any help from them?

As with other essay writing companies, I believe that follow-up questions and assistance should be part of a standard package. This is a common practice. What do unemployed professors know about industry standards?

Selecting an Inconvenient Deadline

The company operates in the Eastern time zone and all deadlines are met accordingly. They want me to do more time-consuming tasks than I have done in order to register an account. What other tasks will they require? Time zone conversion is a responsibility of Unemployed Professors, and not mine.

Online Reputation

Scrolling down the homepage of the Unemployed Professors, I noticed that the company was featured on popular media channels such as Reddit, Huffington Post and Business Insider. “Wow! “It’s a well-known and respected writing agency,” one might think. An excellent trick! But, I’ve already placed an order with their writer and know their names. These publications are nothing special. Even worse, these publications are full of unimaginable cringe. Have a look at this Huffington Post publication:

This post language is suspiciously similar to the fraudsters. This post seems to be a desperate attempt at self-promotion. You can also take a look at this Business Insider post.

This piece was not proofread by anyone. Imagine how ironic this entire thing is. These cheaters dishonor themselves and demonstrate how unprofessional they really are, while desperately trying to make themselves look better.

Review platforms

Trustpilot only had 21 reviews for this service. Surprisingly, 90% rated Unemployed Professors essay writing and paper services excellent. However, based on my experience, those reviews are not as good or reliable.

Wrapping up

Unemployed Professors is a writing agency that has fallen on hard times. These essays and papers will not earn you a grade of C.

Everything from the registration of an account to receiving my papers went wrong. The service was terrible at all. Their writers are not even qualified to write academic assignments. Only the fact that I got a partial refund showed me that these people still have some moral integrity. This company is a curse and I recommend that you avoid it at all cost.

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