Different Ways to Play Blackjack Online

Different Ways to Play Blackjack Online

With the pandemic forcing all casinos to shut down and all of us to stay at home, many of us avid blackjack players have turned to internet to get our daily fix of blackjack. Most blackjack games you’ll end up finding are pretty barebones, with only a table, the cards, and some betting options. However, did you know that there are actually several different ways you can play blackjack online? You don’t have to stick to only that plainer version of online blackjack if you don’t want to!

Standard Online Blackjack

Let us start off with the standard online blackjack that everyone already knew. This is the version where you’ll only see the familiar blackjack table, usually from the top-down angle, and cards will just be drawn and revealed by invisible hands on the screen as you play. This version can be rather off-putting if this is the first time you’ve played a blackjack game online, especially when you’ve never played a video game in your life!

But, this is probably the simplest and minimalistic version you can find on the internet where it has all the features you’ll need to have a good-enough experience playing blackjack here, and as a bonus, the game will hardly take a lot of processing power to run and is likely available on every gaming platform.

Video Blackjack

Now, for Video Blackjack, it’s basically a slight step-up from what is typically the “standard online blackjack”. The gameplay is the same, naturally, but instead of a top-down angle, the game offers you a more complete view of the table, including the virtual dealer who will be dealing the cards. This version has a dash more realism to it but since the dealer’s a digital character, it’s still likely that you’ll feel as though you’re playing a video game, which you are.

Live Blackjack

This brings us to probably the closest-to-life version of blackjack – Live Blackjack. In this version, the digital aspects of the game are still there but everything from the table, to the cards on said table, to even the dealer him or herself are all real. So, essentially, you’ll be playing blackjack with actual people through livestreaming.

Social Blackjack

Social blackjack is one of the latest additions to the genre mainly because online casinos realized that they need to add something to capture that vibrant atmosphere that comes with playing casino games, like blackjack, in an actual brick-and-mortar casino packed with people. To, hopefully, give rise to that sort of liveliness, these virtual online blackjack tables often come with a chat function that you can use to talk (smack) with the other players at the table or in the online casino. Some even let you spend your winnings to buy fun little virtual gifts to the other players around the table, and most of them allow you to share your wins on your friends and family on various social media pages

All in all, regardless of which type of online blackjack games you prefer, know that you don’t have to restrict yourself to only the standard, and frankly-speaking, much duller version. So, if you’re interested to play a few rounds of blackjack, may we recommend this UK casino site? They have all sorts of blackjacks, ranging from American to European; from classic to professional, and even single deck ones. Try out these other types of blackjacks and maybe you’d find one that suits you more!

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